In simple words, below we can find the application architecture diagram
flowchart BT Entities --> Repositories Entities --> Pages subgraph Entities E1 E2 E3 E4 E.. En end subgraph Pages subgraph P1 direction TB subgraph F1 direction TB BLoC1 --state--> UI1 UI1 --events--> BLoC1 end subgraph F2 direction TB BLoC2 --state--> UI2 UI2 --events--> BLoC2 end end subgraph P2 direction TB subgraph F3 direction TB BLoC3 --state--> UI3 UI3 --events--> BLoC3 end end end BLoC1 -.-> Repositories Repositories -.-> BLoC1 BLoC2 -.-> Repositories Repositories -.-> BLoC2 BLoC3 -.-> Repositories Repositories -.-> BLoC3 subgraph Repositories R1 R2 R3 R4 R.. Rn end
- Mainly we have the pages, and each page is a screen that will be presented to the user (Ex.: Log in page, Home page, User profile page, etc.).
- A page can have one or more features (Ex.: Home page has three features: next class, which is related to the schedule; average grade per course, which is related to courses and enrollment; and pending payments, related to the payments.).
- Every feature has its ui (widgets), its BLoC and its definition of events and state to use with the BLoC.