sign_in library Null safety
- Password
- Represents the password text field, containing its value and whether it's valid or not.
- SignInBloc
- Manages the sign-in flow, listening to text field changes and the sign-in submission.
- SignInEvent
- SignInForm
- SignInHeader
- SignInPage
- SignInPasswordChanged
- Triggered when the password text field values's has changed.
- SignInState
- State emitted by SignInBloc.
- SignInStudentCodeChanged
- Triggered when the student code text field values's has changed.
- SignInSubmitted
- Triggered when the sign-in form has been submited.
- StudentCode
- Represents the student code text field, containing its value and whether it's valid or not.
- PasswordValidationError
- The possible validation errors that the password text field can have.
- StudentCodeValidationError
- The possible validation errors that the student code text field can have.